So, I finally got around to reading John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars", which has been waiting patiently on my nightstand, and I have to say, this book simply killed me. It's so beautiful and tragic, I basically read half of it while crying my eyes out. It's one of those books you want to read in one sitting so you have it all in your mind and soul as fast as you can, but you also want to read slowly, like one page every day, so it lasts for ever and ever. I read it all in a few hours and don't regret doing so, but I wish it wouldn't have ended. Like I said on Facebook in a very late post last night, right after I finished reading the book, TFIOS is a dark, bright, funny, sad, simple, complicated gem of a book that I dare everyone to TRY to read without crying like hungry babies. It cannot be done, I promise you, and I pity the ones who are so cold-blooded to succeed in reading it without turning into a sobbing mess. I was super heartbroken after I was done, but I loved every line of this bloody book that turned me, supposed grown-up, into a cry-party, table for one. It really is a beautiful book and I hope everyone reads it, once, twice, a hundred times, just like Hazel and Augustus read "An Imperial Affliction". And, to end my book-worm rant, here's a song I thought suited the book:
In other news, today's 365 story is about a girl burning up and melting in the street in the middle of July. I'm celebrating the coming of snow, I suppose :)) The title, A Snowball's Chance in Hell, I thought of 3-4 years ago, when I planned out the story. And now it's finally coming to life! Hooray! Oh, and it's all one BIIIIIG phrase :D Yup... And yeah, today's photo illustrates the snow that just arrived. So the story and photo are like opposites attracted to each other in my blog post :P Here's to my matchmaking skills!
365 Stories
"[...] When you’re standing on the corner of Fireball and
Supernova, sometime in July, when the sun can’t get enough of burning people
like me, with my white, too white skin and eyes that tear up incessantly, one
eye stops, the other starts, and you look up at that goddamned sun and laugh at
it for making you cry, and you’re just standing there waiting to melt away like
ice-cream in a hot oven, your odds are relatively on the same level as a
snowball’s chance in hell, which means you've mainly got two options, asking
Hades to kill you softly and swiftly or face the pain and try to make your way
through his underworld of doom and heat exhaustion [...]"
1x10: Fresh snow
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