Tuesday 7 January 2014

Back on track

With the whole computer mini-meltdown, I've been writing my stories at an odd hour, as in the middle of the night. But now I'm back on track and I have six stories for six days, so today, the 7th, I can maybe write at a more normal hour :)) Well, here are pieces, as proof. I slightly hate myself for not putting them up in their entirety, but who knows? Maybe I'll get published some day!

365 Stories

1x04: TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (Saturday's story, inspired by my computer issues)

"[...] There’s nothing more excruciatingly irritating than troubleshooting computer issues. ‘There is no detectable problem.’ Well, the bloody thing’s not doing its job. ‘There’s no available solution to your undetectable problem.’ Isn’t that lovely? What should I do then? ‘Try again.’ And if that doesn’t work? For the 100th time? ‘Go fuck off.’  Oh. Alright. Troubleshooting wins in the manners department. I see it now... This computer will make a great punching bag, since I’ve been meaning to do some boxing but forgot to buy an actual punching bag. Bang! Wham! Boom! Dead computer. [...]"

1x05: FINE

"[...] Sometimes, it feels like my bones weigh as much as two of Jupiter’s moons. My fingers feel frozen, but my head is burning. It’s overloaded and overworked. I’ve been hearing the “It smells like fried brain in here” joke for a long time now. I wish I could delete insignificant memories and thoughts. “Do you wish to permanently delete this thought?” Oh yes, I need the space. I wish I could delete feelings too. It would make my heart feel lighter. “Do you wish to delete love lost, regret, anger, sadness?” Yes, please, rid me of it all. Leave me only with sunshine, daisies and puppy dogs. “We apologise for the inconvenience, these feelings are too large to delete. [...]” 


“[...] I don’t think we sleep enough to dream all that much. We sleep late whenever we can, but we fall asleep late too, so it cancels itself out. But we’re young. We stay up late, we drink one too much, we do stupid things and we forget too little of them. We fuck when we’re up after two in the morning, but that’s what we do when we are young. If not now, when? When are we supposed to have sleepless nights and wasted mornings? [...]”

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