Tuesday 1 January 2013

The End./Shhh, the show's about to start!

Buh-bye now, 2012! The end.

Shhh, the show's about to start! Hey there
, 2013, how you doin'? 

As one year passes, another one pops up from... well, the (hopefully) never-ending movement of the Universe. And in this big old Universe there are big rocks and big stars and also rocks deemed too small to hang out with the big boys (still sorry, Pluto). And oh yeah, there are people living on big rocks nearby big stars. I guess that's us... and some aliens somewhere. But the little green/grey/purple/whatever people probably won't be reading this, so I'm going to make a U-turn and go back to the ones living on the third rock from the Sun. 

Now, these people sure are strange. Some are the bad kind of strange, the kind who love rockets that blow people up instead of taking them to look for aliens. But others are the good kind of strange, the kind who think and daydream and create and take things apart to make new ones and collect weird items nobody wants and paint with their fingers and write journals and read dusty books and raid thrift stores and roam the world wide web and the whole wide world for even more goody strangeness. That's my kind of people. 

The Lost and Found Box was thought of during an insomniac moment after last night's New Year's get-together. By now, I'm used to these insomnia-driven bursts of "I need to do something new", but I've never experienced the "I need to start a blog" thing. I read lots of blogs, but I never thought I could keep one. Now I've decided I should give it a go.

Therefore, to celebrate the coming of yet another new year (sorry, fans of the 2012 apocalypse, better luck next time), my one resolution is to be creative everyday. Creativity can mean a lot of things, from writing to painting, from telling a joke to baking cupcakes, from taking photographs to recycling some old trinket into something new and so on and so on. Nothing is off-limits. Which is why The Lost and Found Box is meant to become a collection of whatever comes to mind. And I promise my mind is strange (just like the things you'd find in a lost and found box). I don't even know what I'll come up with everyday. But I know I'll enjoy coming up with it.

So, as the curtain drops on 2012, I welcome 2013 on the stage. It's going to be quite a show... World, you'd better prepare yourself for all the weird, 'cause here I come!




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