Sunday 9 February 2014

It's been a while

You know how life sometimes gets in the way of what you originally thought were good solid plans? Well, it happened to me and I have to say I'm not surprised. I haven't written a post in almost a month and for that I apologize to my non-existent readers :P The reason why this happened is pretty basic: I had stuff to do and I badly mistreated this blog, dropping it at the bottom of my priority list. The main reason why I was posting was to share my random thoughts and share bits of my story and photo of the day. Weeelllll... These things kinda went through some restructuring. I had to make some administrative decisions and split my time between a lot of meaningful and meaningless things, and some activities suffered for it. I do try to keep my promises, though, which means I didn't just drop the challenges in a ditch and abandoned them there. I'm keeping at it in a slightly different way. 

For one, I have decided I do not have the time or inspiration to write a one-page story every day and, to be honest, I found it slightly confining at the same time. It started off fine, because I was really eager to start writing again, but I soon began wondering how I'll be keeping up with the need for fresh ideas everyday. It's hard thinking up a new story constantly. Also, there were stories I wanted to write more on than just a page. Literally having to cut sentences because they wouldn't fit the format was painful at times. When I do start writing, I want to write more and more, which meant stopping at one page was rather difficult. It put a cork on my creative flow, basically, which was the opposite of what I was trying to achieve with this self-imposed challenge. Which is why I've decided to simply switch the 365 stories in 365 days challenge into a 52 stories in 52 weeks. That involves me writing one story a week, but not putting limits on how much I write every week. I will also go back to the single pages I already wrote and expand them into more full-fledged stories that can be two or twenty pages long, depending on my mood and the time I have on my hands. I love writing and hate boundaries, so this should be a more suitable approach. It also means I don't have to feel obligated to write every single day, even when I am madly sleep deprived and cranky and only feel like writing angsty pieces about sad puppies. This way I can write more naturally, when I truly have something in my head that wants to jump out. No, not an alien, a story :)) So that's how it's going to go down from now on! Good, next!

When it comes to the photos I solemnly pledged to take everyday, I actually did it! I have been posting them on Facebook, even though some are truly uninspired... I do like them, I wouldn't share them otherwise, I'm waaaay to self-critical to do that. But I don't love them all. I will blame it on my location though :)) Living on the countryside means only having so many subjects to photograph. I've gone on walks and shot trees and birds and skies and cats and all these nature things. I've done some inanimate object shots. But I would like to photograph more people and new places and pretty things and quirky abstract stuff no one gets. However, most my people here aren't so keen on being my models and the one who does love it has so little time the whole affair requires planning and scheduling and all that stuff that kind of kills spontaneity. Plus, I would like to do some cool conceptual shots with this cool person, but I have to think about how to propose such approaches properly. All this takes its toll on my creative initiatives. I miss the city and the people in it and the novelty of every day. Which is why I am over the moon with my impeding leave of absence from Sweden :D I'm going home for a month and it's going to be brilliant and awesome and all good things wrapped into one pretty package. I'm two weeks away from my departure and I couldn't be more excited! Until then, I will have to push through and keep at it as well as I can. Oh, and I will be posting all the pictures I missed here, so yeah... From now on, I will only be posting a weekly recap of seven photos in one go, maybe every Sunday night or Monday morning or something like that. It's more fun that way, too, because I get to do a weekly retrospective and be all fun and stuff :)) So here they are, a bunch of photos you haven't seen :)

I haven't added this week's photos, so I can actually start the weekly round-up later on today or tomorrow :) I do hope you like the rest of the photos and yeah, that's pretty much it for now... See you later?     

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